1) Call the meme "Regrets - I've Had A Few"
2) Always refer (and link back) to the blogger who tagged you
3) Always tag (and link to) at least two new bloggers
4) List as many regrets as you like, but list a minimum of one (even if you have to re-interpret the term 'regret' because you feel strongly that you don't have any)
5) Include these five rules in each post as the meme instructions.
(what the heck is a meme-- Do they
mean The Emancipation of Mimi..... haha)
Ok Here is a tag I got from my girl is Paris- Miss Alison! (I have no idea how to link to her name so you will have to click to the right)
---Regret #1- Going to a four year college just to get away from home. It resulted in very bad grades and I am going back to school now way later than most. But I had a lot of fun with friends and I learned how valuable learning is to me through the whole thing. This next picture is a tribute to Katherine's way back wednesday (I know it's friday). This is my 20th birthday and we got decked out to go to Chevy's.

---Regret #2- Buying these shoes! They are sooooo cute but I can't wear them longer than 10 minutes. My feet kill me- but I still do it. Hey, all that matters is that they are cute hu:)

---Regret #3- Not keeping up on my scrap booking. This bag is full of pictures; don't be fooled this is not even close to all of them. I am addicted to photos but bad about keeping up.

Lastly- I regret not being able to keep up on my blog lately, I am having serious withdrawls!
So now I need to tag a few people but I don't know who is interested so... consider yourself tagged. I would love to see all ya'll do it. HAPPY WEEKEND:)
Scrumptious shoes. So sorry they hurt. Sometimes if you tough it out they get better - stretch. Missed reading your posts :) No pressure. When you can't... you can't : )
lol....Don't women always have a 'shoe' regret of some kind?
Gina- thanks for the love:) Between school and moving I have been crazy. It was so nice last night when I was thinking "ok what do I have to do now" and I suddenly realized it was Friday night and I didn't have to do ANYTHING! BTW- Did you finish the room and do you have your computer against the wall yet? heehee
Good to be back.
Those are some cute shoes!
And that is so funny b/c I tagged you for the same regrets meme early this week :)
Katherine- I missed it!!! that's what I get for being a bad blogger this last week:) Thanks for the tag!
Wow, those shoes really are cute. You can't just wear them around your place and break them in? It would be soo worth it to be able to wear them. Heck, send them to me, I'll break 'em in. And I'll look soo cute doing it.
Also, are you still up for the christmas card swap? I can't find your e-mail address anywhere so I had to send you a message this way....if you are interested,
e-mail me your address. I guess
it'll be your new address right? And I'll make a list of everyone interested.
oh yeah, and holy crap that's a big bag of pictures!!!
Nooo, those {cutest shoes of my life} don't count as a regret- are you kidding me? Don't worry, you can always send them to me.
Glad your back, missed you. :) Love the shoes,I have a serious shoe addiction but I am getting to the point where "difficut but fashionable" just doesn't always cut it...:)
Regrets...hmmm, I've had a few...:)
PS...did you move already??
I'm sorry amber, but I won't be doing the "regrets" thing, because although I have unpleasant memories I find that thinking about "regrets" is an exercise in making yourself feel like a turd.
I love those shoes! YUM :D Hope you get to scrapping and blogging soon!!! :D
i like those shoes too...maybe cushiony padding will have your toes...
Hey. I like when you post pictures too. I haven't been blogging much lately either. I think it is a combination of the new heating blanket and added holiday responsibilities and sleep consuming me. I just can't get up in the mornings if I don't sleep and I hate sleeping. Ugh. I can relate to the college thing. I want to clean up my academic record.
Super cute shoes!!
I can definitely relate to the scrapbooking thing.
Hey. Been missing you around. Guess things have been busy with the holidays. They have been for me too. Lots of holiday concerts. I still love those shoes. Later girl. Hope the move and all that is going well.
Merry xmas... wherever you are. ;)
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