This first one is called "gothic glow" in photoshop: It was This New Year's day when we visited Disneyland with my fam.

This is "Duotone Dream"

"Midnight black"

We took this one last night and I pimped it with Urban... something rather. Below is my good friend Liza and I as we were headed out for dinner and drinks.

So there is that craziness! I wish I had a better idea of how photoshop worked. I wonder if they teach classes or if there is an online tutoring I could buy.
Other than that my first day of subbing went fairly well. Only problem was licensing showed up and they had a burr in their saddle. (They usually do). I never anticipated that on my first day but I'm pro so it went fine. haha :)
Well ya'll- take care! (I'm feeling very cowgirlish ritght now with my burr in the saddle and using "Ya'll" -Strange. haha).