This first one is called "gothic glow" in photoshop: It was This New Year's day when we visited Disneyland with my fam.

This is "Duotone Dream"

"Midnight black"

We took this one last night and I pimped it with Urban... something rather. Below is my good friend Liza and I as we were headed out for dinner and drinks.

So there is that craziness! I wish I had a better idea of how photoshop worked. I wonder if they teach classes or if there is an online tutoring I could buy.
Other than that my first day of subbing went fairly well. Only problem was licensing showed up and they had a burr in their saddle. (They usually do). I never anticipated that on my first day but I'm pro so it went fine. haha :)
Well ya'll- take care! (I'm feeling very cowgirlish ritght now with my burr in the saddle and using "Ya'll" -Strange. haha).
I'm loving the midnight black.
Also burrs in saddles!
Hee hee. You'd make a fine cowgirl dahlin. Sorry about the licence folks. Good thing you're pro! :) Oh no, you've cought the Photoshop bug! It's amazing isn't it!? You know, there are so many tutorials online. So many sites give free tutorials because they want you to visit their sites. (I'll think of some of the good ones for you.) I'm totally addicted. I bought the book Sportswriter for Rob for Christmas yet. He hasn't started it yet. I heard it was supposed to be good too.
Oh, Photoshop is definetely something I wish I knew how to use.
I'm soo envious when I hear of people even just picking up a book and 'playing'.
I couldn't play and figure anything out to save my life.
Those are great effects. I'll have to pick up a copy and do that with some of my photos.
I would suggest getting a book on Photoshop, one that matches the version of the software you have. Like I said before, I learned Illustrator from a book and felt quite capable after doing the exercises in each chapter.
Alison- thanks I am finding I am playing with that one a lot lately :)
Gina- haha Dahlin'!! Love it.... now why didn't I think of that? The sportswriter is good so far though not easy for me to relate to. Maybe once I make it further in. OH and if you know of any great sites I would love to visit them. Thanks for all your help over the years (if you recall you told me how to work the gears of blogspot back in the day! You're the best!)
Raina- Awwww- you are so sweet! Especially as I am feeling so inept with the whole thing. But hey- If I could do it - ANYONE could. I mean that :)
Scott- Thanks! I think I will check the whole thing out. I need to buy somemore books from Amazon anyway and I think that might be my best bet. Thanks for the direction. I'm REALLY clueless with the whole thing.
Photo shop is so cool! Gina could help you out...she's awesome at it! you do sound like a cowgirl :) glad the subbing is working out for you...
Amber, Amber...where are you amber?? :)
haha sorry! Guess I underestimated this semester! I'm taking 4 literature classes so I have a lot of reading and a lot writing. I feel bad I'm not more on top of this like everyone else :) Thanks for the check up and nudge Cheryl.
Seriously- I love everyone on this page. If I had to blog only to talk to these people I would. The Best!
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