Saturday, September 24, 2005

As I was going to Saint Ives...

I love that stinkin riddle! Anywho, I am so relieved it is the weekend. I am feelin' much better compared to earlier this week. That day and the next were HORRIBLE! I know that part of my problem though is my sensitivity to all that is on my plate. Hopefully, my work situation is something that I can compartmentalize in order to go on living the rest of my life.

Now, here is a funny story, Last night, after seeing flight plan, I went to a fancy little Japanese restaurant (the kind where they make the food in front of you and there is fire and smoke etc. etc. etc.) and I had a few drinks to where I was in my "I'm the queen" stage. So as we are driving down the road, Andy looks at these kids in the car next to us, which in turn makes me look. These 15 year old babies are sitting there staring at us so I make the "W" (west side) with my hand and yell what's up! (did I mention I was intoxicated!). The curly haired kid in the front does it back at me like I was the retarded one (well, maybe i was a little) so I throw both hands up doing the "W"s and am making a complete ass of myself... yes I said ass (Do you like my foreshadowing?). So then the car pulls forward, I see three kids in the back and suddenly I am not the only ass. YES, I was being mooned. HAHA! I died laughing and the boys had a huge grin on their faces. But I did notice the girl he was facing looked a little perplexed! Maybe this is offensive to some but to me this is stinkin' funny!

I have another mast test on monday so my day today is going to be completely devoted to procrastination, JK really to homework. I so far have gotten one F and one A. I am shooting for at least a C on this next one. C ya!


Knitty Kitty said...

That is hilarious!

So long as they are paying attention to the road, silly thing at red lights amuse me!

Jada's Gigi said...

It does sound funny. Hope you weren't driving! :)
And you have another mast ? test? Are you still slightly intoxicated?? LOl
Have a good weekend.what's left.

amberdusk said...

Hey Cheryl- yes I was in the passenger seat :)
Sorry about my misspell... a math test it is.

Beth said...

I have this thing as well. "I'm the Queen" when I drink. I'm more like a court jester queen. Jokes flying out of me, but don't try to rain on my royal parade.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it.

Also, my hubby is one of 13 children. They're Mormons. And English Lit, you can't get better than that.

Motherhood is Here said...

Hmmm.....sounds like you are letting go some. This seems different. Hmm. Hmm. How did your husband react? Was he amused? Just curious. I love those moments when I can feel complete abandon...

Jada's Gigi said...

Just teasing you a bit...:)

Scott said...

Funny. I knew I was old when I pulled into a Taco Bell and said hi to a young girl in the parking lot, and she was embarassed and told me to get lost. Yikes, I must have turned cherry red.

Trevor Record said...

Haha, I remember a few drive-by mooning incidents when I was younger. We thought that was pretty badass back in the day.

amberdusk said...

Beth- I know what you mean by don't rain on my royal parade... I suddenly become more aware of people making fun of me and I love to tell them off. It's a good thing I don't do that as often any more.

Anna- You're the best! You are so intuitive! Yes I am going through a re-evaluation of my life and lightening up has come to mind a few times. Andy was very amused and he laughed very loudly when he read my blog. I am very lucky to have a cool guy like him.

Cheryl- I know you were kidding! I am sorry if I sound bad on this... sometimes I have a way of typing things :) My weekend was very busy but I think I passed my test! Thank you for all your support. You rock.

Scott- That's very funny:) It's hard to realize for me that I am older but want to be the same I was yesterday, a month ago, or a year ago. Getting older has always been hard for me... I cried very hard on my 18th birthday because I was an adult. Rude girl in the parking lot though!

amberdusk said...

Oops sorry Trev- Can I call you trev?
I guess it makes them feel tough but for me it just shows thier age. I mean that in the nicest way possible because I had a lot of fun then too. Peace!

Eff Off said...

Sometimes all you can do is laugh. :) Glad you are feeling better and I hope you kick bootie on your math test!

Motherhood is Here said...

i replied to you on my blog. Anna

Gina said...

Hi Amberdusk ~ Great blog! You asked about my header. I created it in photoshop then uploaded it to photobucket which is a free photo hosting site. Then copied the URL into the template. If you want specifics of where or anything else, feel free to let me know, I'll give you all the nitty-gritty. : )

Trevor Record said...

Amber: I'm not saying I still think mooning people is bad-ass!

Motherhood is Here said...

waiting for your next post.