Thursday, September 29, 2005


I really don't have much to say tonight because I am exhausted after just having dinner with some friends and coworkers to say good bye to a friend. (I am really bad about run on sentances when I am tired so sue me). My friend is leaving for france to teach for 8 months and it was hard to say goodbye to her because she was such an awesome person, everybody loved her and respected her emensly. Myself personally, I found her to be a very respectful person to everyone and I put much stock in that personality trait. The whole night made me start thinking of what kind of friend I want to be... not who I want to be friends with. So I want to give a little shout out to the people who make me smile when they respond to my blog (really everyone does but these people have become bloggin' buddies.)
1. LenaSparkle... who is no longer with us in blog but is a good friend
2. PoorArt's Anna Banana.
3. Trevor Record- whom I would like to call Trev but he hasn't ok'd it yet.
4. Scott- a guy who knows the bay area and tries to cheer me up... it works.
5. Mai Lian- always chipper and up beat.
6. (Jada's gigi) Cheryl- a very kind person that I respect

All of these people are people I am attracted to for thier minds and personalities and I hope to be as good to them as they are to me. I am so tired so I am out like a sprout. Good night to all my bloggin buds and I hope to get to know more about you all.


amberdusk said...

I am not sure I spelled "friends" correctly... I always get that and thier mixed up with the whole "ie" thing. sorry

Eff Off said...

Awww... I made the friends list! :-) That's so sweet - HUGS! Good friends are hard to find aren't they? I had an amazing group of girlfriends in CA. We planned weekly "Wednesday night dinners" in order to carve out some time in our busy schedules and enjoy each others company. They were girls that I could trust and lean on in hard times... and that has been the hardest thing about moving to Colorado. I have NO girlfriends here - yet. lol. I agree that the "person" your project reflects the kinds of friends your will attract. I am thankful for the women I have met through scrapping and blogging, sometimes visiting their blogs and getting comments (including this one) completely change the tone of my day. Hope you have an awesome weekend! Can't wait to hear about it. :)

Scott said...

That was sweet of you to say Amber. It's a sweet reward to hear you say such nice things.

Motherhood is Here said...


That is so sweet! Thanks.... :-) It made me feel really great. Have you read the 5 love languages by Gary Chapman? My love language is words of affirmation--so when someone says one nice thing I feel like I can make it through the night at least :-). Thanks. I really appreciate you stopping by my blog and commenting. It means so much. Sometimes we think of the Internet stuff as "not real" or "another world" but it just isn't true, sometimes it is more a part of our lives than "real life" and I think that God is here. Anyway, hope that doesn't sound corny. Anna

Jada's Gigi said...

Thanks for including me as one of your friends. :) Like Mia lian, sometimes an word online can change the tone of my day. I appreciate your words and am enjoying getting to know you.