Today my dad headed off to China for a few weeks and I was sad to say good bye to him. Not sad enough though, to remind him that he wasn't taking me!!! Jerk! That's Ok he promised me a cruise to Russia in May... Let's see if he holds up to his promise. Anyway, this next picture he is showing off his "buggie" that him and his worker, Fernando, were working on.

My dad is cool but from a VERY different era than me. It was always his joke to ask the waitress, "So what do you think our relationship is". They usually said, "Umm Grandpa and Grandaughter" To which he replied, "Nope! She's my daughter" and I would usually be rolling my eyes the whole time. I love him though despite all his flaws and heartaches he's caused. I think that's the way of children to love thier parents no matter what. I have seen some serious damage done by some parents and yet the kids still love them. Go figure!
My dad had me pretty late in life and althought we were always really close, I always felt like he was from a different era too. My mom and I were like sisters but my dad and I just didn't see eye to eye on certain things. But... I loved him regardless. And how that he is gone, I even appreciate his "quirkyness". BTW... dad used to make the same small talk with the waitresses when we went to breakfast. lol.
haha! Happy to see someone else feels my pain.
Most of us love our parents even if they seem ancient or even aren't very good ones. They are ours...and we are theirs...:) Forgiving them their faults and weirdnesses and loving anyway is always the best choice.
Besides...yours is taking you on a cruise to RUSSIA!! Yeah!
The only thing that matters to children is that their parents showed them love. It doesn't matter how many bad times they cause as long as when the day is over the love is there and felt. I know, because I still love my dad too.
Ditto Scott:)
I can tell just by looking at him that your dad is a fun guy.
You look like renee zelwegger...or however her name is spelled. It is cool that you love your dad and support him.
Trevor- my dad is a fun guy and one day I want to write a book about him. It's cool you can tell by his pic though... how about me do I look fun?? haha
Anna- I get that all the time!!! funny you can tell just from my pic though.
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