Thank you thank you I am officially the Queen of procrastination. Not only am I neglecting my blog but I put off my homework so long that now it is going to bite me in my royal tush! I don't know why I never seem to learn my lesson.
So I am feeling much better now with only a slight cold and a lot of things to do to keep me busy. I just miss my bloggin buds! I can't wait until this stinkin math test is over on Monday.... which brings me to the topic of- Halloween:) I just love halloween but I am such a big baby when it comes to the scary stuff. Cute kids dressed like furry animals are cool but blood and vampires freak me out! Give me the Disney "G" version and I am happy as a lark. (I know I am a cheese head.) I will post some pics of my halloween extravaganza soon after the big day. Anybody else dressing up for the festivities?
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
"Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead...."
Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin.
-Author Unknown
I saw that quote and I felt it was meant for me. I am hitting my rough patch now and I know things will get better but I just hate being in this. I have started getting this nasty cold that is kicking my butt and I have the middle of the school year blues. I have tests up the wazoo, my body hurts and all I want to do is sit and watch reality TV. Now that happens to be a very bad decision for me because I always get depressed afterward. I am reminded of all my physical flaws along with my monetary flaws. I start thinking about how strange it is that I at 26 have finally decided what I want to do for a portion of my life and am back in College. I am later than my peers and uncomfortable around the youngest students in my classes. PLEASE do not think this is a pity me post... I just think it's fair to acknowledge more than one side of the story for you and myself. I mean we can't all be perfect 24/7 even though I wish it were so for me frequently.
Anyhow- I have three things that are very exciting for me.
1. RENT is coming to the big screen within a month!!! I just adore the musical score for that play and I tear up when the preview comes on.
2. They are making a movie about Fast Food Nation.... so I am told. I can't even imagine what it will look like with all the different facets found in the book.
3. Here is the doosey--- I am a big fan of old musicals and I am so stoked to see White Christmas in the theatre in November. I hear that the whole set and costumes are in technicolor.
Ok I am off to blow my nose and take some Nyquil. Night
P.S. I gather Abercrombie is not a favorite and I should delete my last post but TOO BAD! I like it! That's my story and I am stickin' to it. :) Love ya!!
-Author Unknown
I saw that quote and I felt it was meant for me. I am hitting my rough patch now and I know things will get better but I just hate being in this. I have started getting this nasty cold that is kicking my butt and I have the middle of the school year blues. I have tests up the wazoo, my body hurts and all I want to do is sit and watch reality TV. Now that happens to be a very bad decision for me because I always get depressed afterward. I am reminded of all my physical flaws along with my monetary flaws. I start thinking about how strange it is that I at 26 have finally decided what I want to do for a portion of my life and am back in College. I am later than my peers and uncomfortable around the youngest students in my classes. PLEASE do not think this is a pity me post... I just think it's fair to acknowledge more than one side of the story for you and myself. I mean we can't all be perfect 24/7 even though I wish it were so for me frequently.
Anyhow- I have three things that are very exciting for me.
1. RENT is coming to the big screen within a month!!! I just adore the musical score for that play and I tear up when the preview comes on.
2. They are making a movie about Fast Food Nation.... so I am told. I can't even imagine what it will look like with all the different facets found in the book.
3. Here is the doosey--- I am a big fan of old musicals and I am so stoked to see White Christmas in the theatre in November. I hear that the whole set and costumes are in technicolor.
Ok I am off to blow my nose and take some Nyquil. Night
P.S. I gather Abercrombie is not a favorite and I should delete my last post but TOO BAD! I like it! That's my story and I am stickin' to it. :) Love ya!!
Friday, October 21, 2005
Purchase of the year!
Picture Happy
Ok I am a little picture happy because I just got a bunch of photos developed. so they are a little random but here goes nothing...

This one is at a little Japanese restaurant that Andy and I tried a little while ago and we just loved it.

This is us there...... Andy is holding the camera so he looks a little funny haha

We had a little bonfire with some friends in their driveway........ Welcome to Suburbia (Katherine can relate to the suburbia part)

This was earlier in the night. Andy and his friend.

This was Lexi and I cleaning the floor in preparation for the Wedding shower..... It's crazy how creme carpet attracts spots sometimes. I can't wait until I move to the city because we will have hard wood-flooring then.

This is Lexi in her dress.... She was stunning the day of the wedding. I still need to get those developed. I NEED A DIGITAL CAMERA!!! Somebody tip Andy off plz:)
Ok so it is official... I received my letter of acceptance and we are moving to SAN FRAN!!! Yipee. We found a place and are packed & ready to go. Not really because I am the queen of procrastination.
I keep telling my friend at school that I am the winner because I got my letter of acceptance first. Him and I are always fighting over who the winner is and this time I am. HAHAHA.

This one is at a little Japanese restaurant that Andy and I tried a little while ago and we just loved it.

This is us there...... Andy is holding the camera so he looks a little funny haha

We had a little bonfire with some friends in their driveway........ Welcome to Suburbia (Katherine can relate to the suburbia part)

This was earlier in the night. Andy and his friend.

This was Lexi and I cleaning the floor in preparation for the Wedding shower..... It's crazy how creme carpet attracts spots sometimes. I can't wait until I move to the city because we will have hard wood-flooring then.

This is Lexi in her dress.... She was stunning the day of the wedding. I still need to get those developed. I NEED A DIGITAL CAMERA!!! Somebody tip Andy off plz:)
Ok so it is official... I received my letter of acceptance and we are moving to SAN FRAN!!! Yipee. We found a place and are packed & ready to go. Not really because I am the queen of procrastination.
I keep telling my friend at school that I am the winner because I got my letter of acceptance first. Him and I are always fighting over who the winner is and this time I am. HAHAHA.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Dum Dum Dum Dum (Sung to the tune of here comes the bride)
YAY! Home sweet home and back to life as I know it. What a great wedding though!! The backdrop was amazing and I had a blast. My favorite part had to be when Myself, Jen and Erica jumped into a golf cart and went 4 wheeling on the greens. SOOO immature and yet the best! Then I got Grand-pa to do a little swing dancing with me and he had a blast. Finished the night off with friends hanging in the motel room just chilling. Loved it! I will be posting pictures soon I hope. Oh and the song I sang went off without a hitch and I wasn't even nervous (A first for me). Gotta go do my Online P.E. test (you try and figure that one out!)
and as we said in Junior high:
and as we said in Junior high:
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I am sorry I don't really have time to post much right now with the wedding and all but I was blown away by something just now. I wanted to write this down so I won't forget.
A few months ago I was very moved by a documentary that was made by some college students from Southern California. These guys traveled to Uganda (in Africa) and did a documentary about the civil war going on and the unfortunate child abduction that went along with this war. Any way I was so moved that I wanted to have screenings of the movie in order to widen some people's world perspective and hopefully inspire them in some way. I had two screenings of it and the second had a small turn out but a photographer from the paper came to take pictures to go along with the piece they were doing on the underground movement of the movie. To make a long story even longer I just found out that the photographer liked the movie so much that she is going it Uganda in a few weeks to document the civil unrest along with the relief efforts that are currently in play. All I can say is HOLY CRAP! I feel like I had a small hand in this and I hope something big comes of it.
The movie is called Invisible Children and anybody who has been to my site before has probibly seen it in the Links I have.
That's all I have to say for now because I still need to get past this wedding this weekend. Have a good one guys:)
A few months ago I was very moved by a documentary that was made by some college students from Southern California. These guys traveled to Uganda (in Africa) and did a documentary about the civil war going on and the unfortunate child abduction that went along with this war. Any way I was so moved that I wanted to have screenings of the movie in order to widen some people's world perspective and hopefully inspire them in some way. I had two screenings of it and the second had a small turn out but a photographer from the paper came to take pictures to go along with the piece they were doing on the underground movement of the movie. To make a long story even longer I just found out that the photographer liked the movie so much that she is going it Uganda in a few weeks to document the civil unrest along with the relief efforts that are currently in play. All I can say is HOLY CRAP! I feel like I had a small hand in this and I hope something big comes of it.
The movie is called Invisible Children and anybody who has been to my site before has probibly seen it in the Links I have.
That's all I have to say for now because I still need to get past this wedding this weekend. Have a good one guys:)
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Off the beaten path
So Andy and I were talking today about all the things we like and Andy said to me, "I have been feeling lately like I want a change. I don't know how to describe it but something new... maybe a new hairdo or something like that, I dunno." To which I replied, "yeah, I have been feeling like a change needs to happen too." After talking for a while we decided that we need more things in our life that are less mainstream. Not that there is anything wrong with that because I love my Nordstrom but we need something unique. The joy of discovering something on our own or doing something less covered by everyone and thier mama. Andy wants to find some local bands and find a favorite. I think I would like to find random things to do in San Francisco. (We have already done the whole interesting restaurant thing). I still feel like I need something way different though! We are planning on moving into San Francisco in January (we are accross the bay now) and I think that will be a big change but still.
Well, less than a week until my sister-in-laws wedding. Things are crazy and I am still working on the song. On top of it all I have my 4th math test this Friday and I start volunteering at the school for the deaf on Wednesday. Now volunteering dosn't sound like too big of a deal but I have had 2 interviews to get in. They had it narrowed down to 3 of us for awhile. They are very selective I am told because of the importance of teaching the kids proper ASL (American Sign Language). I am thrilled to get this opportunity to work in the community at the same time as getting this amazing experience.
Ok I am ready for another week..... I think :) Happy Monday all ya'll ;)
Well, less than a week until my sister-in-laws wedding. Things are crazy and I am still working on the song. On top of it all I have my 4th math test this Friday and I start volunteering at the school for the deaf on Wednesday. Now volunteering dosn't sound like too big of a deal but I have had 2 interviews to get in. They had it narrowed down to 3 of us for awhile. They are very selective I am told because of the importance of teaching the kids proper ASL (American Sign Language). I am thrilled to get this opportunity to work in the community at the same time as getting this amazing experience.
Ok I am ready for another week..... I think :) Happy Monday all ya'll ;)
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Some about me:)
I stole this from Mai Lian! It looked like fun:)
LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Amber Dawn
Nicknames: Ambs, Amber Dusk, Monkey toes
Birthday: March 22, 1979
Birthplace: California
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 5'5"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Religion: Too long to explain... so let's talk about politics (NOT!)
Sex: Female
LAYER 2 - On the Inside
Your heritage: English (Interesting Fact: some of my family was on the Mayflower)
Who do you look like: Neither my mom or my dad but some people say Renee Zellweger.
Your weakness: Clothes and going out to eat.
Your fears: Drowning inside a sinking boat *SHUDDER*
Your perfect pizza: BBQ Chicken Pizza from California Pizza Kitchen w/o onions.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Get my Master's- I'm working on my BA now.
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase on MSN: probably "..." & :)
Your best physical feature: My eyes I was told
Your bedtime: 10:30 to 11:30
Your most missed memory: Hanging out with friends late on a summer night and going swimming or exploring the back woods.
LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Neither! I try not to eat Fast Food.
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Diesel
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with Chocolate syrup mixed in till it is mush :)
Cappuccino or Coffee: Frappuccino
Smoke: No but I have
Curse: Yes but only when I am alone and then I do it a lot.
Sing: All the time
Think you've been in love: Definitely
Want to get married: Been there and done that
Believe in yourself: Sometimes
Think you're attractive: Sometimes
Think you're a health freak: I wish I was... I am working towards it daily.
Get along with your parents: I love em'
Like thunderstorms: LOVE thunderstorms. I like to sit out in the rain or lay on the grass regularly
Play an instrument: Nope, I should after 4 years of piano lessons!
LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Smoked: Yes
Done a drug: Shh Don't tell
Gone to the mall: I worked there for a while and now I go every chance my bank account allows.
Eaten and entire box of Oreos: Only if the Cookies and Cream Ice Storm from Nordstrom Cafe' counts! (I think it does)
Eaten sushi: Only the Vegetable rolls and I love 'em
Been on stage: Regularly
Gone skating : Roller skating is cool Ice Skating hurts my rear.
Gone skinny dipping: Yep
Stolen anything: Unfortunately, yes but my mom made me go back in the store and give it back. Taught me a lesson.
Played a game that required removal of your clothing: Nope
Been caught 'doing something': yeah and it was embarrassing as heck!
Been called a tease: I think so.
Gotten beat up: No
Shoplifted: Absolutely not!
LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: 22 Done!
Number and names of children: 2 girls named Esther Ann and Audrey Paris (maybe)
Describe your dream wedding: Had it
How do you want to die: In my sleep peacefully holding Andy's hand (like my Grandpa with my Grandma)
What do you want to be when you grow up: EVERYTHING! I can't make up my mind. The short list includes an interpreter for the deaf, a singer/actor/dancer, a writer, a mom, a world traveler....
What country would you most like to visit: Ahhh- Italy. I already have my 3 touring Italy books highlighted and dog-eared.
LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color: Green
Best hair color: Blondish Brown
Short or long hair: Short, I like him clean shaven and sharp (a word my mom used to use)
Height: taller than me
Best articles of clothing: Jeans from Abercrombie
LAYER TEN: In the numbers
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1 but my mom would kill me if she knew what I did in high school.
Number of CDs that you own: Too many to count plus itunes
Number of piercings: only my ears-lobes
Number of tattoos: None unless you count the pencil tattoo I put on my knee when I fell one time. (Mai Lian has one on her hand)
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: Many times, but the best was the day after I was born when I hit the front page. My dad was a big time politician back then and my mom had a natural birth at home. I have been in it a lot since then but it was a sweet picture of the three of us.
Ok so now I want to see a version of this on a few other people's blogs! Let me know if you did it because I want to check it out.
LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Amber Dawn
Nicknames: Ambs, Amber Dusk, Monkey toes
Birthday: March 22, 1979
Birthplace: California
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 5'5"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Religion: Too long to explain... so let's talk about politics (NOT!)
Sex: Female
LAYER 2 - On the Inside
Your heritage: English (Interesting Fact: some of my family was on the Mayflower)
Who do you look like: Neither my mom or my dad but some people say Renee Zellweger.
Your weakness: Clothes and going out to eat.
Your fears: Drowning inside a sinking boat *SHUDDER*
Your perfect pizza: BBQ Chicken Pizza from California Pizza Kitchen w/o onions.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Get my Master's- I'm working on my BA now.
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase on MSN: probably "..." & :)
Your best physical feature: My eyes I was told
Your bedtime: 10:30 to 11:30
Your most missed memory: Hanging out with friends late on a summer night and going swimming or exploring the back woods.
LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Neither! I try not to eat Fast Food.
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Diesel
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with Chocolate syrup mixed in till it is mush :)
Cappuccino or Coffee: Frappuccino
Smoke: No but I have
Curse: Yes but only when I am alone and then I do it a lot.
Sing: All the time
Think you've been in love: Definitely
Want to get married: Been there and done that
Believe in yourself: Sometimes
Think you're attractive: Sometimes
Think you're a health freak: I wish I was... I am working towards it daily.
Get along with your parents: I love em'
Like thunderstorms: LOVE thunderstorms. I like to sit out in the rain or lay on the grass regularly
Play an instrument: Nope, I should after 4 years of piano lessons!
LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Smoked: Yes
Done a drug: Shh Don't tell
Gone to the mall: I worked there for a while and now I go every chance my bank account allows.
Eaten and entire box of Oreos: Only if the Cookies and Cream Ice Storm from Nordstrom Cafe' counts! (I think it does)
Eaten sushi: Only the Vegetable rolls and I love 'em
Been on stage: Regularly
Gone skating : Roller skating is cool Ice Skating hurts my rear.
Gone skinny dipping: Yep
Stolen anything: Unfortunately, yes but my mom made me go back in the store and give it back. Taught me a lesson.
Played a game that required removal of your clothing: Nope
Been caught 'doing something': yeah and it was embarrassing as heck!
Been called a tease: I think so.
Gotten beat up: No
Shoplifted: Absolutely not!
LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: 22 Done!
Number and names of children: 2 girls named Esther Ann and Audrey Paris (maybe)
Describe your dream wedding: Had it
How do you want to die: In my sleep peacefully holding Andy's hand (like my Grandpa with my Grandma)
What do you want to be when you grow up: EVERYTHING! I can't make up my mind. The short list includes an interpreter for the deaf, a singer/actor/dancer, a writer, a mom, a world traveler....
What country would you most like to visit: Ahhh- Italy. I already have my 3 touring Italy books highlighted and dog-eared.
LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color: Green
Best hair color: Blondish Brown
Short or long hair: Short, I like him clean shaven and sharp (a word my mom used to use)
Height: taller than me
Best articles of clothing: Jeans from Abercrombie
LAYER TEN: In the numbers
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1 but my mom would kill me if she knew what I did in high school.
Number of CDs that you own: Too many to count plus itunes
Number of piercings: only my ears-lobes
Number of tattoos: None unless you count the pencil tattoo I put on my knee when I fell one time. (Mai Lian has one on her hand)
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: Many times, but the best was the day after I was born when I hit the front page. My dad was a big time politician back then and my mom had a natural birth at home. I have been in it a lot since then but it was a sweet picture of the three of us.
Ok so now I want to see a version of this on a few other people's blogs! Let me know if you did it because I want to check it out.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Ok I am for the most part finished with my updated blog.... I love it and it was all thanks to Amber, Andy & Gina. Amber Nichole's Blog was my inspiration, Andy helped me put it together and Gina helped me make it all possible by explaining this whole computer thing to me. You guys rock!
So I just have to say the weather right now in California, specifically the Bay area, is CRAZY! A few days ago it was overcast and raining and I thought to myself, "Ok fall has officially started!" But today I woke up, put on my turtle neck, wool pants, and leather boots only to sweat like a boy when I got to work. I looked cute though (Was it worth it? Who knows.) I started wondering why the weather goes backward from Fall to Summer sometimes. I should watch the weather channel but that would require a little of effort on my part and I usually am not willing to give it.
Once at work I then came up with the bright idea of putting out chalk for the kids. Miraculously it stayed off my pants! Oh I love those kids though:) They have a way of brightening up my day no matter what. And they are funny as heck!
OK! The funny picture of the day. I laughed my butt off because it was so random.

LOVE IT!!! You all have a fabulous week!
So I just have to say the weather right now in California, specifically the Bay area, is CRAZY! A few days ago it was overcast and raining and I thought to myself, "Ok fall has officially started!" But today I woke up, put on my turtle neck, wool pants, and leather boots only to sweat like a boy when I got to work. I looked cute though (Was it worth it? Who knows.) I started wondering why the weather goes backward from Fall to Summer sometimes. I should watch the weather channel but that would require a little of effort on my part and I usually am not willing to give it.
Once at work I then came up with the bright idea of putting out chalk for the kids. Miraculously it stayed off my pants! Oh I love those kids though:) They have a way of brightening up my day no matter what. And they are funny as heck!
OK! The funny picture of the day. I laughed my butt off because it was so random.

LOVE IT!!! You all have a fabulous week!
Under Construction!
I am working on my site, as you can see and I am so excited.... I will do more later though and will update with a new post explaining my ideas:) How fun is this!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
I love food! Today I am totally devoting myself to food. I am going to start this morning by making a menu for the next week and then a list of things to buy... I love lists too! I plan on heading off to my three favorite stores, Whole foods, Safeway and Costco to pick up all the things I need---and then some. Oh yes, I am an impulse buyer. Impulse buyers of the world UNITE! I fight it the whole time I am there but yet something always finds its way into my cart. Andy usually gives me the look and I give him the bottom lip.... and I win:) Oh, I am bad. Maybe that sounds like no big deal, but for me it is usually a Nordstrom gift card that you can pick up at the registers any more. After we get back Andy is planning on firing up the grill and making me and my in-laws "Chinese Spareribs #5 with a Teriyaki glaze" My mouth is watering now. Why #5 you may ask? I don't know but I am guessing it is kinda like Chanel no. 5. Number 1-4 was not that great but #5 is perfect!!
Today is such a beautiful day. Outside it is overcast and I can tell it rained last night by the water in little pools on our Patio table. The smell of fresh earth after a rain is the best! How can you be depressed after smelling the grass and dirt after a rain? I just want to roll into a blanket and drink my tea-vana while watching an old movie. It won't be fun to grill tonight but Andy loves to grill rain or shine.
Two more things to add to my list of things to do in my lifetime...
3. Visit the Pyramids in Egypt. My friend Allen just came back from there and he said they are Ginormous.
4. Go snorkeling in warm waters and maybe swim with dolphins. I see dolphins as almost like big cats- Sounds strange but WHATEVA.
Ok I know i am on a roll today but one more thing, Everyone must see the movie Crash. It blew my mind AND the Editor for that miovie must get an award. I am a little partial to editors since my Andy is one. But just the story line was amazing and I started looking for the character that I could most relate to. I think in some aspects it was Sandra Bullock's character. I am not filthy rich (even though I plan on being haha) but many of her later emotions I could relate to... not appreciating the people in front of you and other things. You just have to see it. It is a chick flick and a guys movie all rolled into one. In fact the sexes might fight over who it belongs to.
"peace out" - Kip from Napolean Dynamite (I think I just gave it away that I am a nerd, Oh well)
Today is such a beautiful day. Outside it is overcast and I can tell it rained last night by the water in little pools on our Patio table. The smell of fresh earth after a rain is the best! How can you be depressed after smelling the grass and dirt after a rain? I just want to roll into a blanket and drink my tea-vana while watching an old movie. It won't be fun to grill tonight but Andy loves to grill rain or shine.
Two more things to add to my list of things to do in my lifetime...
3. Visit the Pyramids in Egypt. My friend Allen just came back from there and he said they are Ginormous.
4. Go snorkeling in warm waters and maybe swim with dolphins. I see dolphins as almost like big cats- Sounds strange but WHATEVA.
Ok I know i am on a roll today but one more thing, Everyone must see the movie Crash. It blew my mind AND the Editor for that miovie must get an award. I am a little partial to editors since my Andy is one. But just the story line was amazing and I started looking for the character that I could most relate to. I think in some aspects it was Sandra Bullock's character. I am not filthy rich (even though I plan on being haha) but many of her later emotions I could relate to... not appreciating the people in front of you and other things. You just have to see it. It is a chick flick and a guys movie all rolled into one. In fact the sexes might fight over who it belongs to.
"peace out" - Kip from Napolean Dynamite (I think I just gave it away that I am a nerd, Oh well)
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