Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I am sorry I don't really have time to post much right now with the wedding and all but I was blown away by something just now. I wanted to write this down so I won't forget.
A few months ago I was very moved by a documentary that was made by some college students from Southern California. These guys traveled to Uganda (in Africa) and did a documentary about the civil war going on and the unfortunate child abduction that went along with this war. Any way I was so moved that I wanted to have screenings of the movie in order to widen some people's world perspective and hopefully inspire them in some way. I had two screenings of it and the second had a small turn out but a photographer from the paper came to take pictures to go along with the piece they were doing on the underground movement of the movie. To make a long story even longer I just found out that the photographer liked the movie so much that she is going it Uganda in a few weeks to document the civil unrest along with the relief efforts that are currently in play. All I can say is HOLY CRAP! I feel like I had a small hand in this and I hope something big comes of it.
The movie is called Invisible Children and anybody who has been to my site before has probibly seen it in the Links I have.
That's all I have to say for now because I still need to get past this wedding this weekend. Have a good one guys:)


Colleen said...

wow! that's great!!

have a great weekend

Unknown said...

Wow, that's pretty neat! Aren't yhou glad that you arranged the screenings?! :D

Gina said...

That's really great. You definately had a BIG hand in it. It's amazing what we can do when we're passionate about something! It's wonderful that you listened to your heart! You should be very happy with yourself. The world needs more doers like yourself Amber! Great going : )

Scott said...

Thanks for the info on the movie. I'll definitely check it out, although it will be difficult to watch. I would be devastated if anything ever happened to my children.

Jenn said...

You did have a had in it! I look forward to hearing what happens next! Keep us updated!

Trevor Record said...

Oh man, I went to that site and got all excited about it, but they only have showings in like 4 states!

Trevor Record said...

(how did you go about getting a showing in your town?)

SuburbanMom said...

wow, that is great. How can we see the documentary (though it would probably break my heart)

Motherhood is Here said...

hey..that is totally awesome. I went to Cameroon, Africa this summer and I saw a documentary on TV that sounds like what you are talking about a while back....but don't know if it is the same one. That is encouraging and inspiring that you took those steps to expose other people to this stuff. Hmmmm...I wonder if there is something deeper here. Something that you are meant to do.

Sarah said...

Good on you, girl!!!

Raina* said...

wow, that really is quite a 'feel good' moment.