Monday, October 24, 2005

"Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead...."

Before you begin a thing, remind yourself that difficulties and delays quite impossible to foresee are ahead. If you could see them clearly, naturally you could do a great deal to get rid of them but you can't. You can only see one thing clearly and that is your goal. Form a mental vision of that and cling to it through thick and thin.
-Author Unknown

I saw that quote and I felt it was meant for me. I am hitting my rough patch now and I know things will get better but I just hate being in this. I have started getting this nasty cold that is kicking my butt and I have the middle of the school year blues. I have tests up the wazoo, my body hurts and all I want to do is sit and watch reality TV. Now that happens to be a very bad decision for me because I always get depressed afterward. I am reminded of all my physical flaws along with my monetary flaws. I start thinking about how strange it is that I at 26 have finally decided what I want to do for a portion of my life and am back in College. I am later than my peers and uncomfortable around the youngest students in my classes. PLEASE do not think this is a pity me post... I just think it's fair to acknowledge more than one side of the story for you and myself. I mean we can't all be perfect 24/7 even though I wish it were so for me frequently.
Anyhow- I have three things that are very exciting for me.
1. RENT is coming to the big screen within a month!!! I just adore the musical score for that play and I tear up when the preview comes on.
2. They are making a movie about Fast Food Nation.... so I am told. I can't even imagine what it will look like with all the different facets found in the book.
3. Here is the doosey--- I am a big fan of old musicals and I am so stoked to see White Christmas in the theatre in November. I hear that the whole set and costumes are in technicolor.

Ok I am off to blow my nose and take some Nyquil. Night
P.S. I gather Abercrombie is not a favorite and I should delete my last post but TOO BAD! I like it! That's my story and I am stickin' to it. :) Love ya!!


Yoda said...

"I am reminded of all my physical flaws along with my monetary flaws."

distinguish the good, cannot do without the bad.

Gina said...

Hi Amber. I so hope your stinkin cold goes away soon. I'm glad you found three really good things to be happy about!! I walked by Ambercrombie in the mall and thought about my blogger-buddy Amber and her beautiful coat : ). You have a great week too!!

Jada's Gigi said...

Can't wait for the Rent movie!! I hadn't heard about White Christmas...we love that one at our house and have had a copy for years which gets watched over and over even in July! lol
Love the jacket, even if it not 'cool' to get it from A...haha

Cheer up...this too shall pass.

amberdusk said...

Thanks guys you are sweet:) And yes I do as an adult play the glad game. CHEEZY but it helps:)
Anywho I thought I should clarify..... I am going to white christmas in the theatre not in the movie theatre. I don't want to crush anyones hopes because I know you ALL want to see it:) heehee

SuburbanMom said...

Oooh, I hope you feel better quickly. And who hates Abercrombie?? What??!!! I was there yesterday and I love it! (yes, I do dislike their marketing policies..and the music is a little loud for my old lady ears, but still... :)

Raina* said...

yup, same here....all those Rent commercials make me tear up. I just have to find someone to see it with me.....cause it looks like a movie to see on a big screen and hear all around you and I'm not cool enough to see a movie alone.

Now, White Christmas...that's news to me. That one should be easy...I know I could convince my mom and Nana to go with me. (There better not be any naked people running's our Sunday night ritual to have dinner at my parents and then head down to the 'theatre' in the basement for a movie. And my brother always chooses movies with boobies!!! Nice eh? I dread Sunday Movie Night with my parents and Nana....unless I pick the movie.)

Eff Off said...

Awww... sending you healthy vibes. I hate being sick! But, you do have a super cute jacket to keep you warm. :) lol

Scott said...

Don't feel bad. Some people go to school and don't have the foggiest clue as to what they really want to do with their life. Some take jobs that are totally not them, and are unhappily stuck for the rest of their life. Feel happy that you waited until inspiration struck. One of my best girl friends became a lawyer and found out after her first month on the job that she hates it.

Jada's Gigi said...

White Christmas on stage???Where?

Colleen said...

a fast food nation movie? is the super size me guy doing it? hmmmmm

and totally diggin that jacket.

everytime i see it i think about that song "i like girls who wear abercrombie and fitch". hehe

Raina* said...

Aw shucks, I just read your comment about White Christmas in a theatre near you, not a movie theatre.

Gina said...

I hope your cold is getting better. Thank you for the tips on the midline crossing - definately will be trying those. Coming along on the room. Slowly but surely. : )

Muriel said...

So did you know that White Christmas has been made into a musical and it is opening in L.A...I am also excited about seeing RENT...I can't wait to mouth the songs in the theater while my husband looks at me like I am crazy...he he

Trevor Record said...

Oh they're making a RENT movie? I hope it has all the old music. Please don't tell anyone that I often enjoy musicals. It'll ruin my 'cred! I don't know what kind of 'cred I have, but I'm certain that it has little to do with liking musicals.

Motherhood is Here said...

Amber, I like this post. It is real. I can relate to the whole deciding what you want to do thing. I am 24 and am thinking about going back to school again to get a music degree or something. I just can't figure out what I want to do with life and then it is like, "um I am going to die. like duh. i'm not going to live forever." weird when you really really really think about it. huh? Well, I hope you get to feeling better! Anna

Unknown said...

I can't wait for Rent either! It looks good!

I really felt sad when I read your post. Personally I think it's fabulous that you have decided what you want to be doing and you are making positive choices about your future. You rock girl, keep your head up!

Motherhood is Here said...

I read this post again. And it really touches me. Don't feel alone. The feeling inadequate monetarily and otherwise....I am so there with you! I am having an identity crisis right now. I have a college degree and dont' know what to do with it. It is only valuable in the way that I can say I have it....I still want to be a professional feeler. And there is no degree for that. Oh well.