Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen- we have a winner.....

Thank you thank you I am officially the Queen of procrastination. Not only am I neglecting my blog but I put off my homework so long that now it is going to bite me in my royal tush! I don't know why I never seem to learn my lesson.
So I am feeling much better now with only a slight cold and a lot of things to do to keep me busy. I just miss my bloggin buds! I can't wait until this stinkin math test is over on Monday.... which brings me to the topic of- Halloween:) I just love halloween but I am such a big baby when it comes to the scary stuff. Cute kids dressed like furry animals are cool but blood and vampires freak me out! Give me the Disney "G" version and I am happy as a lark. (I know I am a cheese head.) I will post some pics of my halloween extravaganza soon after the big day. Anybody else dressing up for the festivities?


Raina* said...

I'll take 'G' rated anything over something scary. Even with my big strong (ok, not really) husband beside me in bed at night, a scary movie can kill a good night's sleep for me.

A math test on Halloween Monday, that's enough to send shivers down my spine. Good luck.

Jada's Gigi said...

I'm with you on the G raitng! I think its fun to dress up and the kids are really cute. and making the rounds for trick or treating was always a blast as a child. But leave me out of the blood and gore! Yuck. Like Raina, I can't sleep after scary movies so I avoid them like the plague. :)
Not dressing up this year and rarely do on Halloween but give me a good Costume Party with grown ups....aaaahhhh now that's fun.
Good luck with the math test.

Eff Off said...

There was this guy at the grocery store - his face was painted white (he looked dead) and he had a second head growing out of his neck with a hang strangling his throat. I couldn't even look at him - gross. Bleck!

Chris and I are going to be old farts and just stay home tonight and pass out candy. We watched scary movies all weekend and made caramel apples and carves pumpkins. I think I'm getting old. ;)

Good luck on your test today!!!

Unknown said...

Glad you are starting to feel better :) I am also not one for scary anything, I get scared so easily! My gang dressed up for Halloween this weekend, my photos are on my blog.

Happy Halloween!

Gina said...

Hi Amber!! We miss you too! Hope your test was a breeze. I'm totally into G rated too. Rather have the non-dark side stuff. However, with a son I'm not sure if I'll be able to avoid that entirely. We'll see. Look forward to you being back in the swing soon : )

Colleen said...

i hate scary stuff!!!! even when the movies are edited for TV they scare me. i'm such a baby

Scott said...

I haven't dressed up for several Halloweens now, but next year that just has to change. I used to love this holiday, but I have sold it out to laziness.

SuburbanMom said...

Every year I want to dress up...and every year I don't :( But the kids had a blast and that is definitely more important.

Good luck on your math test. I also have a huge exam on Monday -- three chapters - yikes!

Trevor Record said...

I've been pretty bad in the Blog world as well.

I was Alex from a Clockwork Orange! There is a pitiful picture of me up on my blog.