So I just have to say the weather right now in California, specifically the Bay area, is CRAZY! A few days ago it was overcast and raining and I thought to myself, "Ok fall has officially started!" But today I woke up, put on my turtle neck, wool pants, and leather boots only to sweat like a boy when I got to work. I looked cute though (Was it worth it? Who knows.) I started wondering why the weather goes backward from Fall to Summer sometimes. I should watch the weather channel but that would require a little of effort on my part and I usually am not willing to give it.
Once at work I then came up with the bright idea of putting out chalk for the kids. Miraculously it stayed off my pants! Oh I love those kids though:) They have a way of brightening up my day no matter what. And they are funny as heck!
OK! The funny picture of the day. I laughed my butt off because it was so random.

LOVE IT!!! You all have a fabulous week!
Yes! Beautiful banner. So glad it worked! Looks great Amberdusk. I'm so with you on the weather. We're in the OC but boy is it screwy here too. I'm so ready for the cool. G'night.
Hi Amberdusk! So you like Nintendo... :) Well! I'm glad to see you like it too. Oh, what do my eyes see? You have changed the look of you blog! It's very good. Do you know? the best thing here is your life's view. I share the same oppinion about it for spend even the last drip in the days :)
Uhmm, I don't have any translation of my blog, sorry. It would be so difficult to keep both versions updated.
Have you tried the "Google" tranlation? It's not as bad as people think.
Hope to see ya! Let the inmensity of you friends take care of you :)
Bye bye! :D
Great new look! Maybe I will get Gina to email me those directions for inserting a new banner. I like to plya around iwth that stuff when I have time. :)
Love your penguin pic. haha
Not typing too carefully, am I? :)
I love it. The new look is quite sharp.
Just remember before you consider a move from California; the weather everywhere else sucks. Not now mind you, but check back in a few months. I'll be knee-deep in snow.
Your blog looks great!!!! Love the dark colours and your gorgeous banner. I'm off to look at your lovely photos :)
I don't have time to read right now...but just wanted to tell you hot new pic! and look! I'd like to know how to do the banner thing. Your new pic looks less melancholy. You are a really neat person. And awesome wedding pictures.
You and your husband make a hot couple! Ok...I'm going to get back to work. You look kind of like Renee Zelwegger (however you spell that). Later.
Absolutely delighted to help. It's nice to have my first blog addict. : ) Yours RAWKS.
*laugh* CUUUTE!
thanks for the post, it is still weird to me to see how much i've changed. as for the depression thing, i go in spurts. sometimes i'm ok but its an ongoing struggle. anyway, your blog looks great
love that banner!!! and i like your blog too!!
I really like the changes. I'm pc-challenged so cannot do anything like this!
I'm a penguin lover so love the penguin pic!
I LOOOOOOOVE your wedding pic. It makes me *sigh* everytime I see it!
The penguin pic is too funny. I was just at the zoo a bit ago and the penguins are adorable. To me, they look like tiny little soldiers. hee hee
You guys are awesome-- I couldn't wish for better bloggin' buds:) All of you made me smile after I got to read your posts.
Gina- Crazy weather what are we going to do about it! Can't pull out the warm clothes and put away the cold ones can we.
Jmn- I am glad you share my view on life. I guess I just want to look back and say, "It was good and I was blessed" Who doesn't?
Cheryl- Gina is your gal for that. She is super talented and has a knack for the computer too:) How is your son's Ska tour going?
Scott- I plan on living on the East Coast some day (I don't know when or why but I will live there) So I plan on becoming familiar with the whole snow phenomenon. We don't get any here at all.
Alexandra- Thanks for checkin' it out! I hope you liked my photos too. :)
Anna- thanks for noticing my pic looked less melancholy. I did that on purpose because I think people thought I was only Melancholy but I have a very upbeat side to me. I guess what I was trying to say before was that I feel things deeply on both sides of the equation. Does that make sense?
Thanks for checkin it out Emily, Miranda and Colleen!
Jon-- You Rock! I love your profile pic. It looks like you love life too:)
Beth- I am beyond PC challenged but I found a few people who could help me with that... now all I need is someone to help me with my writting. HMMM who would be good at that (hint hint)
Mai Lian- Very Cool that you went to the zoo! I haven't been in years and I think it would be a fun thing to do. How are you liking the new area? Getting a lot of siteseeing done?
"put on my turtle neck, wool pants, and leather boots"
Tell me about it. I did just the opposite, wore shorts on a cold and rainy day. Sucked!
Anita- I am so addicted to blogging! I like reading about a lot of different people and finding new things out about myself. Thanks for the blog props:)
Yoda- My brother used to do the opposite all the time too but usually it was shorts on a rainy day :) Hey how did you do that italics thing?
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