Saturday, October 08, 2005

Some about me:)

I stole this from Mai Lian! It looked like fun:)

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Amber Dawn
Nicknames: Ambs, Amber Dusk, Monkey toes
Birthday: March 22, 1979
Birthplace: California
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 5'5"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Religion: Too long to explain... so let's talk about politics (NOT!)
Sex: Female

LAYER 2 - On the Inside
Your heritage: English (Interesting Fact: some of my family was on the Mayflower)
Who do you look like: Neither my mom or my dad but some people say Renee Zellweger.
Your weakness: Clothes and going out to eat.
Your fears: Drowning inside a sinking boat *SHUDDER*
Your perfect pizza: BBQ Chicken Pizza from California Pizza Kitchen w/o onions.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Get my Master's- I'm working on my BA now.

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase on MSN: probably "..." & :)
Your best physical feature: My eyes I was told
Your bedtime: 10:30 to 11:30
Your most missed memory: Hanging out with friends late on a summer night and going swimming or exploring the back woods.

LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Neither! I try not to eat Fast Food.
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Diesel
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with Chocolate syrup mixed in till it is mush :)
Cappuccino or Coffee: Frappuccino

Smoke: No but I have
Curse: Yes but only when I am alone and then I do it a lot.
Sing: All the time
Think you've been in love: Definitely
Want to get married: Been there and done that
Believe in yourself: Sometimes
Think you're attractive: Sometimes
Think you're a health freak: I wish I was... I am working towards it daily.
Get along with your parents: I love em'
Like thunderstorms: LOVE thunderstorms. I like to sit out in the rain or lay on the grass regularly
Play an instrument: Nope, I should after 4 years of piano lessons!

LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Smoked: Yes
Done a drug: Shh Don't tell
Gone to the mall: I worked there for a while and now I go every chance my bank account allows.
Eaten and entire box of Oreos: Only if the Cookies and Cream Ice Storm from Nordstrom Cafe' counts! (I think it does)
Eaten sushi: Only the Vegetable rolls and I love 'em
Been on stage: Regularly
Gone skating : Roller skating is cool Ice Skating hurts my rear.
Gone skinny dipping: Yep
Stolen anything: Unfortunately, yes but my mom made me go back in the store and give it back. Taught me a lesson.
Played a game that required removal of your clothing: Nope
Been caught 'doing something': yeah and it was embarrassing as heck!
Been called a tease: I think so.
Gotten beat up: No
Shoplifted: Absolutely not!

LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: 22 Done!
Number and names of children: 2 girls named Esther Ann and Audrey Paris (maybe)
Describe your dream wedding: Had it
How do you want to die: In my sleep peacefully holding Andy's hand (like my Grandpa with my Grandma)
What do you want to be when you grow up: EVERYTHING! I can't make up my mind. The short list includes an interpreter for the deaf, a singer/actor/dancer, a writer, a mom, a world traveler....
What country would you most like to visit: Ahhh- Italy. I already have my 3 touring Italy books highlighted and dog-eared.

LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color: Green
Best hair color: Blondish Brown
Short or long hair: Short, I like him clean shaven and sharp (a word my mom used to use)
Height: taller than me
Best articles of clothing: Jeans from Abercrombie

LAYER TEN: In the numbers
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1 but my mom would kill me if she knew what I did in high school.
Number of CDs that you own: Too many to count plus itunes
Number of piercings: only my ears-lobes
Number of tattoos: None unless you count the pencil tattoo I put on my knee when I fell one time. (Mai Lian has one on her hand)
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: Many times, but the best was the day after I was born when I hit the front page. My dad was a big time politician back then and my mom had a natural birth at home. I have been in it a lot since then but it was a sweet picture of the three of us.

Ok so now I want to see a version of this on a few other people's blogs! Let me know if you did it because I want to check it out.


SuburbanMom said...

Very cool! I loved reading your answers. And it's so fun to see someone else from the bay area :)

Raina* said...

Yeah, I can see it too!!

I think you and I as Dharma & Renee would make a mighty fine looking pair!!

I love this layer post.... I have my all done up too for a rainy day when I have nothing better to post.

Motherhood is Here said...

My middle name is Esther.

Cool post.

Colleen said... do look like renee zellweger. cool

Unknown said...

I also love this layer post :) It was FUN reading about you!!!

Good luck with your BA!

Yoda said...

"Your weakness: Clothes and going out to eat."

These are probably mine too ... just returned from a day long shopping trip at the mall :-(

Gina said...

I love Renee Z but I think she's like cute - you're more pretty. Completely with you on the vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup. My sister and I would always stir our up till it got mushy. Usually on Saturday evening, with pink curlers in our hair, newly bathed, watching Star Trek with Dad. Did we only have ice cream on Saturday night? I don't know. Funny memory. So loved this post Amber. I feel like I really know you so much better!

amberdusk said...

That was a little something fun that I am glad you all could enjoy:)

Katherine- I am so glad to have somebody from the bay area that can relate to the high cost of buying and even just living. But as you said on your blog.... it IS the most beautiful place.

Raina- Girl-- Anytime you want to start making appearances I'm game! I'm sure people tell you this all the time but I just love your hair:)

Anna- Ok that is a trip for me that your name is Anna Esther and I want to name my first daughter Esther Ann!

Colleen- that's what I am told:) How long have you been teaching?

Alexandra- thanks for the luck-- I am going to need it!

Yoda- Somebody who feels my pain.... *sigh*
Get anything good?

Anita- "Appreciate life and Nature". Appreciation is what it is all about. What's the point otherwise? I'm glad I am on the same page with you.

Gina- you are so sweet! I love that memory you posted about you and your family with the Ice Cream. PINK ROLLERS! I so did that when I was little too. I miss those times of being a kid and spending time with my family. I think that's why I love Christmas so much.

Thanks for checkin "a little more about me" out.