I stole this from Mai Lian! It looked like fun:)
LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Amber Dawn
Nicknames: Ambs, Amber Dusk, Monkey toes
Birthday: March 22, 1979
Birthplace: California
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Height: 5'5"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Religion: Too long to explain... so let's talk about politics (NOT!)
Sex: Female
LAYER 2 - On the Inside
Your heritage: English (Interesting Fact: some of my family was on the Mayflower)
Who do you look like: Neither my mom or my dad but some people say Renee Zellweger.
Your weakness: Clothes and going out to eat.
Your fears: Drowning inside a sinking boat *SHUDDER*
Your perfect pizza: BBQ Chicken Pizza from California Pizza Kitchen w/o onions.
Goal you'd like to achieve: Get my Master's- I'm working on my BA now.
LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase on MSN: probably "..." & :)
Your best physical feature: My eyes I was told
Your bedtime: 10:30 to 11:30
Your most missed memory: Hanging out with friends late on a summer night and going swimming or exploring the back woods.
LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: Neither! I try not to eat Fast Food.
Single or Group Dates: Single
Adidas or Nike: Diesel
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla with Chocolate syrup mixed in till it is mush :)
Cappuccino or Coffee: Frappuccino
Smoke: No but I have
Curse: Yes but only when I am alone and then I do it a lot.
Sing: All the time
Think you've been in love: Definitely
Want to get married: Been there and done that
Believe in yourself: Sometimes
Think you're attractive: Sometimes
Think you're a health freak: I wish I was... I am working towards it daily.
Get along with your parents: I love em'
Like thunderstorms: LOVE thunderstorms. I like to sit out in the rain or lay on the grass regularly
Play an instrument: Nope, I should after 4 years of piano lessons!
LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Smoked: Yes
Done a drug: Shh Don't tell
Gone to the mall: I worked there for a while and now I go every chance my bank account allows.
Eaten and entire box of Oreos: Only if the Cookies and Cream Ice Storm from Nordstrom Cafe' counts! (I think it does)
Eaten sushi: Only the Vegetable rolls and I love 'em
Been on stage: Regularly
Gone skating : Roller skating is cool Ice Skating hurts my rear.
Gone skinny dipping: Yep
Stolen anything: Unfortunately, yes but my mom made me go back in the store and give it back. Taught me a lesson.
Played a game that required removal of your clothing: Nope
Been caught 'doing something': yeah and it was embarrassing as heck!
Been called a tease: I think so.
Gotten beat up: No
Shoplifted: Absolutely not!
LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: 22 Done!
Number and names of children: 2 girls named Esther Ann and Audrey Paris (maybe)
Describe your dream wedding: Had it
How do you want to die: In my sleep peacefully holding Andy's hand (like my Grandpa with my Grandma)
What do you want to be when you grow up: EVERYTHING! I can't make up my mind. The short list includes an interpreter for the deaf, a singer/actor/dancer, a writer, a mom, a world traveler....
What country would you most like to visit: Ahhh- Italy. I already have my 3 touring Italy books highlighted and dog-eared.
LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color: Green
Best hair color: Blondish Brown
Short or long hair: Short, I like him clean shaven and sharp (a word my mom used to use)
Height: taller than me
Best articles of clothing: Jeans from Abercrombie
LAYER TEN: In the numbers
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1 but my mom would kill me if she knew what I did in high school.
Number of CDs that you own: Too many to count plus itunes
Number of piercings: only my ears-lobes
Number of tattoos: None unless you count the pencil tattoo I put on my knee when I fell one time. (Mai Lian has one on her hand)
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: Many times, but the best was the day after I was born when I hit the front page. My dad was a big time politician back then and my mom had a natural birth at home. I have been in it a lot since then but it was a sweet picture of the three of us.
Ok so now I want to see a version of this on a few other people's blogs! Let me know if you did it because I want to check it out.